Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same right of inheritance as children born in lawful wedlock. 非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的继承权。
The natural father or the natural mother who does not rear directly his or her child born out of wedlock shall bear the child's living and educational expenses until the child can support himself or herself. 不直接抚养非婚生子女的生父或生母,应当负担子女的生活费和教育费,直至子女能独立生活为止。
They all say that the singer had a daughter out of wedlock with a football player. 大家都在谣传说这个歌手和那个足球运动员有一个私生女。
You're having a baby out of wedlock GetWord(" wedlock");, your life is over. 你有一个非婚生子的话,你的生活就算是完了。
All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. 一切儿童,无论婚生或非婚生,都应享受同样的社会保护。
She was born out of wedlock in the village of Los Toldos in rural Argentina in1919, the fourth of five children. 她1919年生于阿根廷一个偏远山区,是家中的第四个孩子。
Most of the children were born with serious deficiencies, some are suspected to be born out of wedlock. 许多儿童生来便有严重缺陷,一些可能是婚外儿。
Last month Wuhan city government sparked controversy when it announced a new regulation targeting women giving birth out of wedlock. 上个月,武汉市出台一项针对未婚生育的新规定时,引发了争议。
Chinese family planning agencies punish any contravention of the one-child policy, including birth out of wedlock. 中国计划生育机构对违反一个孩子政策,包括非婚生育的行为是要进行处罚的。
Long gone are the days where people are ashamed to be having a second marriage or having children out of wedlock. 人们再也不为举行再婚婚礼或有非婚生子女而感到羞耻了。
The question of young women giving birth out of wedlock rose to attention a month ago when firemen rescued an abandoned baby from a sewage pipe. 一个月之前,消防员从下水道救出一名弃婴的事件使得年轻女性未婚生育的问题引起关注。
Lawyer Li Yun said women who give birth out of wedlock live under high pressure. 李云律师说未婚生育女性生活在极大的压力之下。
You have a child out of wedlock. 你有一个非婚生子。
As the married couple can't have children, they have adopted a child born out of wedlock. 由于这对已婚夫妇无法生育,他们领养了一个私生子。
I was born later out of wedlock. 我是后来出生的。
So it was hip to have a son out of wedlock back then? 那时就流行未婚就生孩子吗?
Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock? 你那虔信基督再生的母亲,会想要一个非婚生的试管婴儿当她的孙子?
I had him out of wedlock, so I am single. 他是我的私生子,所以我还是单身。
If they have babies out of wedlock, it is usually because they have not yet got round to marrying the man they are living with. 如果他们在结婚之前生子,最可能的原因是他们还没有抽出来时间和他们的男友结婚。
It went without saying that her aunt would immediately disown her if she fell pregnant out of wedlock. 不用说,她如果未婚怀孕,她姨妈就会立刻否认和她的关系的。
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. 亲和儿童有权享受特别照顾和协助。一切儿童,无论婚生或非婚生,都应享受同样的社会保护。
At one time, women, girls in particular, their freedom was tremendously restrained, so that they don't have a child out of wedlock, unmarried. 曾经有段时间,女人,尤其是女孩儿,她们的自由非常受限制,所以她们不能,没结婚就有孩子。
This woman is a single welfare mother with two kids out of wedlock. 她只是一个有两个孩子靠救济金生活的女人。
It knows that the body was to be his, whether it was conceived out of wedlock or was handicapped or was only strong enough to live a few hours. 他知道这个肉体将是他的,不管这个肉体是否因婚姻而受孕,还是有所残缺,或是生下来只能活几个小时。
In "the descent of man", he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys. 他在《人类起源》中提到过一些研究,显示非婚生子女中女孩多于男孩。
They laughed at her because she was born out of wedlock. 他们嘲笑她,因为她是私生子。
First child is born out of wedlock fertility should wait until the census can only be implemented when the account. 第一个宝宝属于非婚生育,应该等到人口普查的时候才能落实户口。
Nature has given the child two parents, the law gives but one, and it is the father when the child is born in wedlock, but if the child is born out of wedlock, it is the mother. 按自然法则,孩子有双亲,但法律只承认其中一亲,即婚生子女的父亲或非婚生子女的母亲。
There is a strong correlation between the rate of birth and the number of babies born out of wedlock. 出生率和非婚生孩子之间存在很强的相关性。